Thursday, March 14, 2013

Change of Plans

Editor's Note: Most of you know who are reading this have already heard about the postponement. This is a reminder for those who are curious about applying for Korea and the things that are not conveyed with the EPIK application.

Man, this whole process is becoming more and more surreal. Soon I will be in Korea. It is all coming so fast. FBI Background, check. Diploma apostilled, check. Application filled out with lesson plan and a great essay, check.  Wow, here we go...I am on the brink. Nothing can take the wind out of my sails. All I need to do is email my application over to my recruiter and I am on my way. Everything felt like it was easy. Sometimes I felt that it was too easy, but then that nagging feeling would be subsided by the calming inner voice telling me that this is just supposed to happen. Unfortunately I am wrong....dead wrong. After pressing the send button,  is when reality was winding up to slap the bejesus out of me. Now most of you that know me have known me as a bigger guy. I don't hide it with Tommy Bahama shirts  or excessively baggy clothes. I haven't bee ashamed of my body; however, I haven't been wanting to flaunt it either. You won't see me wearing any sort of cutoff shirts or tight designer suits. I was semi-comfortable with who I was or who I was going to end up being. I was going to be a bigger, funnier guy  who did what was asked of him and did what was the best for his family. Being skinny just wasn't in the cards. Where was I? Oh yes the wake up call. So after I sent my perfect application that I had been obsessing about for the past three weeks, I waited. And waited. And waited. Heard nothing. What was wrong, did my recruiter not receive the email? Did she not like it? So after going through every single different absurd scenario in my head, I went straight to the source. And that is when it was laid upon me. You are too fat. Now before you get ahead of yourself, the recruiter didn't put it like that. Delicately put, my Body Mass Index (BMI for short) is too high. The Korean government wants to make sure that all applicants fulfill their contract and are in great health. They want to have someone's BMI to be under 30. Regardless of what your application looks like, they will take yours if you don;'t fall under these specifications and simply chuck them into the garbage.  For a male who is Six-foot-zero-inches, he needs to weigh 200 pounds to be considered in a normal weight range. Well. Shit. My 308-pound frame is not near that. WHAT THE FUCK?!? ALL THAT MONEY SPENT FOR NOTHING!????? COME ON, I JUMPED THE HOOPS, I DID THE WORK AND NOW YOU ARE TELLING ME THAT MY OBSESSION WITH DIET COKE AND CHIPS IS HOLDING ME BACK? FUCK YOU AND THE HORSE YOU CAME IN ON. Okay. Deep breath? Not the reaction to take. Feel better screaming? No, because the simple fact of the matter is that you are still not going weighing as much as you do.  So they want me to lose 100 lbs. Fine. I can do that. That is not impossible. I want this bad enough. After sulking and screaming about it for a day, I decided to tackle this head on. Deep breath. I am going to lose this weight.

So here we go....OPERATION SWEATIN' FOR SEOUL. 308 now....200 before I go.

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